Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 1, 2021

Fu Lu Shou Energy

 The symbol of happiness, wealth and longevity (Fu Lu Shou) consists of three ancient Runic symbols grouped together.

The design is drawn in open source software LibreCAD. We use mica 2mm thick. Energy will not be interrupted by the mica plastic sheet. You can download and cut MICA based on this blueprint.



  • The symbol on the left contains the blessing energy. It is made of nano-coated copper wire.

  • The symbol in the middle contains longevity energy. It is made of nano-coated galvanized steel wire.

  • The symbol on the right contains the wealth energy. It is made of nano-coated copper wire.

If it only has a single symbol, the energy of it is very weak. But when they combine together, their energy is very strong.

You can use strings just to tie them in place on the frame.

Hanging this three-symbol combination form in your home will help you neutralize negative energy and help you grow on your path of fortune.