Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 1, 2021

Runic: Love Symbol

 Love Symbol

The ancient Runic symbols contain cosmic energy. Each different symbol will give different forms of energy. We can also combine energy-compatible Runic symbols with each other. Each combination can create a new symbol with more powerful energy and even new effects.

Below is the symbolic combination of loving energy. The symbols are fixed on a mica plate with thread. The thread will not affect the energy flow of the symbols.

  • The design is drawn in open source software LibreCAD. We use mica 2mm thick. Energy will not be interrupted by the mica plastic sheet. You can download and cut MICA based on this blueprint.

  • The symbol looks like an hourglass made of galvanized steel. When soaking galvanized steel wire in the ash water solution, the nano coating process takes place very quickly. The time for soaking in galvanized steel wire is about 1 to 3 hours. You should not soak for longer than 3 hours because the zinc layer is very weak, easily corroded. The nano-coated galvanized steel wire gives very strong "yin" energy. If you are not using galvanized steel, you can use copper wire instead. The result also gives very good energy and it will have "yang" energy.

  • The "plus" symbol with a circle around helps to support the energy of the other symbol. It must be made of copper and must be nano-coated. The nano coating time for the "plus with a circle around" symbol is about two weeks. The energy of this symbol after being nano coated will have "yang" energy.

  • The combination of the two symbols above will produce a very strong neutral energy field of cosmic love. It can neutralize all negative energy in the surrounding environment, or neutralize negative energy on the human body. It will release more energy when you meditate.

  • Note that our nano coating method is simply soaking in ash water solution mixed with NaOH and KOH. We do not use other nano coating methods because the energy of the symbol will not be good.

The blueprint for this symbol is for neck wear. The energy will radiate throughout the body and follow the meridians in the human body. The energy of love is the energy of the highest frequency and can dispel all negative energies such as jealousy, ego, greed, fear, or similar negative energies. When you can dissolve all negative energies, you will live a happier, more positive life, and fully enjoy the joys of life.